quinta-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2015

Ciclo de Conferências: Interdisciplinaridade e construção de um modelo interpretativo no estudo da população neolítica do Algar do Bom Santo (Alenquer, Lisboa)

O Núcleo de Alunos de Arqueologia e Paleoecologia da Universidade do Algarve convidam a assistir à palestra Interdisciplinaridade e construção de um modelo interpretativo no estudo da população neolítico do Algar do Bom Santo (Alenquer, Lisboa), pela Prof. António Faustino de Carvalho, Universidade do Algarve , a realizar-se no dia 11 de Março às 17h30 na sala 2.35 da FCHS, Campus de Gambelas.

Contamos com a vossa presença!


O estudo sistemático da gruta-necrópole do Algar do Bom Santo (Alenquer, Lisboa) indicou um complexo cenário social, económico e populacional. Recorrendo a análises isotópicas diversas e a ADN antigo de restos humanos, a par de análises de proveniência de matérias-primas, estudos de variabilidade estilística da cultura material e uso de dados paleoambientais, foi possível perceber qual era o território e a organização social de uma população humana datada de 3800–3400 cal BC, isto é, da fase média do Neolítico. Os resultados indicam que se trata de uma “sociedade segmentária” que praticaria uma agricultura e pastorícia itinerantes, em que predominariam práticas exogâmicas enquadradas, provavelmente, por normas de patrilocalidade. Este modo de vida pode ter sido o dos primeiros construtores de megálitos da região — cujos protagonistas poderão ter sido mesmo os próprios indivíduos inumados na gruta — mas será necessária investigação adicional para avaliar corretamente o grau e tipo de participação desta população em tal fenómeno.

terça-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2015

JIA 2015 - Jornadas de Jovens em Investigação Arqueológica

Estão oficialmente anunciadas as Jornadas de Jovens em Investigação Arqueológica - JIA 2015 a realizar-se em Lisboa de dia 21 a 24 de Outubro, pelo CHAM.
Consultem o website para mais informações acerca do congresso, submissão de resumos para sessões, comunicações e posters.
A data limite para a submissão de sessões é dia 31 de Março.

We officially announce the JIA Young Researchers in Archaeology Conference - JIA 2015 in Lisbon, 21th to 24th October, organized by CHAM.
Consult the website for more informations about the conference, abstract submission of sessions, papers and posters.
The deadline for session submission is 31th March.

quinta-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2015

Student grant to participate in conferences

Grant information

AAA (Association of Archaeology of Algarve) in collaboration with NAP are glad to announce the opening call for students grant for travelling support to participate in scientific conferences related to Archaeology. The aim of this grant is to allow and incentivize the students from B.A. to PhD from the University of Algarve to attend and participate in international conferences to present their research with a poster or a paper. To apply, the students must read and agree with the requirements and obligations of the grant and complete the form. The attribution of the grants will be decided by AAA. The criteria for grant attribution will be based on the relevance and quality of the theme and abstract proposal. The grant has the purpose to give a help covering some of the costs and not ensuring all the expenses. The grants attributed should vary between 100 and 300€, depending on the application. The application must be send to nap.ualg@gmail.com. NAP will receive the application forms and forward to AAA consideration. The call for grant application is open during the year and the number of grants is limited.

  1. The student must attend any degree of Archaeology and Heritage of University of Algarve (B.A., M.A., PhD);
  2. The student must be able to speak English;
  3. The student must fulfill the form application grant;
  4.  The student must send a proof of abstract for poster or oral presentation accepted by the scientific committee of the conference.

Obligations of the grant

  1. The AAA logo must be included in the presentations;
  2. The students are committed to present their papers also in Algarve (University of Algarve or in AAA);
  3. The students must keep and present the receipts from the grant money expenses.
  4. The students must sign a declaration form where they are obligated to return the money of the grant to AAA in case they would not be able to attend the conference.

Send an email to nap.ualg@gmail.com asking for the application form to apply!

AAA Lecture 3rd March - Maria del Carmen Moreno Escobar - Rome's Mediterranean Ports

On next 3rd March 2015 a lecture about "Rome's Mediterranean Ports" will be presented by Maria del Carmen Moreno Escobar on AAA in São Brás de Alportel.

"One of the main facts that should be considered when discussing the Roman Empire is that this was a highly complex historic entity whose nature and characteristics changed greatly across time. From the requirements of Rome being a city that started to control other cities in its vicinity, to being the owner of an empire that covered all territories surrounding the Mediterranean Sea (or Mare Nostrum), Rome had to adapt locally the structure of its Empire. This fact had a definitive influence on the development of the different provincial landscapes. Although so far research has focused mainly on the description of the occupation of space during the Roman period, a deeper knowledge about the organisation of the provincial landscapes is required in order to better understand the people that inhabited and shaped them. In the last years, and according to these concerns, a number of studies have applied different approaches and techniques for exploring these aspects of the Roman Empire, with a high level of success. In the case of Lusitania, the opportunity for applying these new approaches is clear. Accordingly, this talk will focus on a number of topics: (I) the occupation of Lusitania, specifically its southern and western areas, (II) the advantages and disadvantages of applying diverse approaches for understanding the organisation of its provincial landscapes, (III) the role of both land and sea networks on its configuration and development, and (IV) some preliminary results that will contribute to the understanding of the provincial landscape of Lusitania."

Check out AAA website for more details and future lectures!