sábado, 5 de março de 2016

AAA with NAP at the university – student grant presentations of 2015

Last 24th February, NAP received in the University of Algarve the Archaeological Association of Algarve to spend a day with us. During the morning we had the event of the oral presentations of the students that were awarded with AAA grants in 2015 for attending international conferences to present their research work. After presenting their papers and posters in several conferences around Europe (Meso2015 in Serbia, Anthraco2015 in Germany, Knappable Materials - On the Rocks in Barcelona, JIA2015 in Portugal), the students reproduced their presentations in the University, allowing the AAA members and colleagues not only to see their work but also to comment and discuss such interesting themes on archaeology and shares experiences.
NAP wants to thank AAA members for visit us at the University and for the amazing support that was given to the students.
We would like also to congratulate again our presenters, Catarina Andrade, Anne Farias, Pedro Horta, Roxane Matias, Lino André, Rita Dias and Daniela Maio for their great presentations!

To know more about our collaboration with AAA and future activities, please consult the AAA website, NAP blog or subscribe our mailing list on nap.ualg@gmail.com!

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