quinta-feira, 19 de outubro de 2017

Conferência Arqueologia ao Sul: "O Restauro Arqueológico" - 30 Outubro

O Núcleo de Alunos de Arqueologia e Paleoecologia tem o prazer de anunciar a conferência "O Restauro Arqueológico" por Cristina Dores, do Laboratório de Arqueologia da Universidade do Algarve, no âmbito do Ciclo de Conferências Arqueologia ao Sul. A conferência irá realizar-se no dia 30 de Outubro, às 17h30, na sala 2.35 da FCHS (edificio 1), na Universidade do Algarve, Campus de Gambelas.
Venham assistir!

terça-feira, 27 de junho de 2017

NAP nas X Jornadas de Jóvenes en Investigación Arqueológica JIA 2017

O NAP esteve no X JIA de Burgos! As alunas Regina Gonçalves, Joana Pereira, Roxane Matias e Cátia Teixeira participaram no congresso com a organização de uma sessão, comunicações orais e posters e representaram o NAP em mais uma edição das Jornadas de Jovens em Investigação Arqueológica. O NAP tem participado de forma assídua neste congresso, desde o ano de 2009, tendo organizado em Faro, na Universidade do Algarve, o JIA 2011. O JIA 2017 de Burgos contou também com a visita aos sítios arqueológicos de Atapuerca!
As colegas Regina Gonçalves e Joana Pereira receberam AAA Student Grants, atribuídas pela Associação Arqueológica do Algarve, para apresentarem a sua investigação neste congresso. 

NAP attended to X JIA in Burgos! The students Regina Gonçalves, Joana Pereira, Roxane Matias and Cátia Teixeira attended to the conference and organized a session and presented oral communications and posters, representing NAP on another edition of JIA - Young researchers in Archaeology. NAP has been participating in every edition of this conference since 2009, and also organized JIA 2011 in Faro, University of Algarve. JIA 2017 in Burgos also had a fieldtrip to archaeological sites of Atapuerca!
The colleagues Regina Gonçalves and Joana Pereira recieved AAA Student Grants, by the Archaeological Association of Algarve, to present their research in this conference.

Abaixo podem consultar os temas dos trabalhos apresentados:
Here are the research themes presented:

- Cátia Teixeira, Roxane Matias (Poster) - Análise de Potencial Arqueológico do Concelho de Castro Marim (Algarve, Portugal);

- Cátia Teixeira, Roxane Matias (Comunicação) - Resultados preliminares da análise de fauna malacológica proveniente do sítio arqueológico de Alcaria de Arge (Portimão, Portugal);

- Roxane Matias, Nuno Bicho (Poster) - Fire in the craddle of Humanity. Anthracological studies in Archaeological sites. Southern Africa: State of Art;

- Cátia Teixeira, Asier García-Escárzaga, Roxane Matias, Patricia María Bello Alonso, Regina Pereira Gonçalves, Francisco Javier Rodríguez Santos (Sessão) - Arqueología 2.0: la relevancia de los estudios arqueométricos en el conocimiento del pasado;

Regina Pereira Gonçalves, Lídia Baptista (Comunicação) - Alimentação e gestão animal no Calcolítico do Sul de Portugal: estudo preliminar das faunas do Monte do Marquês (Beringel);

- Joana Pereira, Telmo Pereira (Comunicação) - Poço Rockshelter.

quarta-feira, 31 de maio de 2017

AAA at the University of Algarve - Student grants presentations

AAA student grant presentations
A day at the University of Algarve!

Last 25th May, Núcleo de Alunos de Arqueologia e Paleoecologia (NAP) had the pleasure to recieve Archaeological Association of Algarve (AAA) members at the University of Algarve. In the morning we had the opportunity to assist the presentations of the students awarded with grants last year.

Patrícia Monteiro shared with us her work about Bucket flotation within EcoPLis project, which as been present in EAA Annual Meeting in Vilnius, Lithuania, last September. 

The work of Rute Branco was presented by our colleague Roxane Matias, about the exploitation of malacofauna in Medieval Islamic period in Tejo do Praio site, Algarve. This work was also presented in EAA Annual Meeting in Vilnius, Lithuania. 

Cátia Teixeira told us about her work on using GIS techniques to assess the organization of the Roman city of Ossonoba, presented also in CAA Conference in Oslo, Norway. Besides the presentations, questions have been asked about the worked developed by the students and also an interesting discussion about archaeological practice in Portugal. 

After lunch, AAA attend a Lithics workshop, give by Dr. Telmo Pereira in ICArEHB laboratory. Dr. Telmo Pereira told us all about raw materials with practical exercices using lithic materials, and Eduardo Paixão and David Nora gave us an inlight on lithic technology. 

It was an amazing day that reflected this kind collaboration between NAP and AAA. As was stated during the presentations, the support given to the students is very important, not only because provides a crucial experience on research and academic CV, but also provides the opportunity to learn from other investigators, contact with other realities. Plus, the first steps on investigation are the harder ones, and this support on early stages of our careers means a lot on the growth of young archaeology researchers. NAP is extremely grateful to AAA for providing this opportunity for the students!
We look foward for the next year, as several students are already submiting their applications for AAA student grants 2017!

Photos: courtesy of Jane Robertson

quinta-feira, 18 de maio de 2017

AAA student grants presentations

NAP is glad to invite you to assist the presentations of the students awarded with AAA grants for presenting research in Archaeology at international conferences. The presentations will take place at room 2.35 in FCHS Campus de Gambelas, Universidade do Algarve, next 25th May at 10h30. 
Hope to see you there!

terça-feira, 1 de novembro de 2016

Arqueologia ao Sul: Prof. Ricardo Teixeira Duarte e Dr. Yolanda Pinto Duarte

No passado dia 27 de Setembro tivemos o prazer de receber o Prof. Ricardo Teixeira Duarte e a Dr. Yolanda Pinto Duarte na Universidade do Algarve! O NAP gostaria de agradecer a ambos pelas interessantes palestras!

terça-feira, 18 de outubro de 2016

Conferência Arqueologia ao Sul - Prof. Ricardo Teixeira Duarte e Dr.ª Yolanda Pinto Duarte (Universidade Eduardo Mondlane) - actualizado!

O NAP tem o prazer de anunciar as conferências "Rescaldo da História da Arqueologia em Moçambique: Teoria e Métodos" pelo Prof. Ricardo Teixeira Duarte e "Importância de Arquivos para a Arqueologia em Moçambique" pela Dr.ª Yolanda Pinto Duarte, da Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, no âmbito do Ciclo de Conferências Arqueologia ao Sul. A conferência irá realizar-se no dia 27 de Outubro, às 16h30, na sala 2.35 da FCHS (edificio 1), na Universidade do Algarve, Campus de Gambelas.
Venham assistir!

sexta-feira, 14 de outubro de 2016

Conferência Arqueologia ao Sul - "Arqueologia Medieval no Planalto Beirão: entre a Periferia e a Fronteira" - Tiago Ramos (IEM-UNL)

O NAP tem o prazer de anunciar a conferência "Arqueologia Medieval no Planalto Beirão: entre a Periferia e a Fronteira" por Tiago Ramos, do Instituto de Estudos Medievais - Universidade Nova de Lisboa, no âmbito do Ciclo de Conferências Arqueologia ao Sul. A conferência irá realizar-se no dia 4 de Novembro, às 17h30, na sala 2.35 da FCHS (edificio 1), na Universidade do Algarve, Campus de Gambelas.
Venham assistir!

sábado, 5 de março de 2016

AAA with NAP at the university – student grant presentations of 2015

Last 24th February, NAP received in the University of Algarve the Archaeological Association of Algarve to spend a day with us. During the morning we had the event of the oral presentations of the students that were awarded with AAA grants in 2015 for attending international conferences to present their research work. After presenting their papers and posters in several conferences around Europe (Meso2015 in Serbia, Anthraco2015 in Germany, Knappable Materials - On the Rocks in Barcelona, JIA2015 in Portugal), the students reproduced their presentations in the University, allowing the AAA members and colleagues not only to see their work but also to comment and discuss such interesting themes on archaeology and shares experiences.
NAP wants to thank AAA members for visit us at the University and for the amazing support that was given to the students.
We would like also to congratulate again our presenters, Catarina Andrade, Anne Farias, Pedro Horta, Roxane Matias, Lino André, Rita Dias and Daniela Maio for their great presentations!

To know more about our collaboration with AAA and future activities, please consult the AAA website, NAP blog or subscribe our mailing list on nap.ualg@gmail.com!

terça-feira, 1 de março de 2016

Workshop de análise funcional

O ICArEHB promove nos dias 10 e 11 do próximo mês de Maio o workshop Análise Funcional em Arqueologia, a decorrer no laboratório J24 do Campus de Gambelas da Universidade do Algarve em Faro.

e pelo contacto jmmarreiros@ualg.pt

domingo, 28 de fevereiro de 2016

2th edition - 2016 AAA - Student grant to participate in conferences

Grant information

AAA (Association of Archaeology of Algarve) in collaboration with NAP are glad to announce the opening call for students grant for travelling support to participate in scientific conferences related to Archaeology. The aim of this grant is to allow and incentivize the students from B.A. to PhD from the University of Algarve to attend and participate in international conferences to present their research with a poster or a paper. To apply, the students must read and agree with the requirements and obligations of the grant and complete the form. The attribution of the grants will be decided by AAA. The criteria for grant attribution will be based on the relevance and quality of the theme and abstract proposal. The grant has the purpose to give a help covering some of the costs and not ensuring all the expenses. The grants attributed should vary between 100 and 300€, depending on the application. The application must be send to nap.ualg@gmail.com. NAP will receive the application forms and forward to AAA consideration. The call for grant application is open during the year and the number of grants is limited.


1.       The student must attend any degree of Archaeology and Heritage of University of Algarve (B.A., M.A., PhD);
2.       The student must be able to speak English;
3.       The student must fulfill the form application grant;
4.   The student must send a proof of abstract for poster or oral presentation accepted by the scientific committee of the conference.

Obligations of the grant

  1. The AAA and NAP logos must be included in the presentations;
  2. The students are committed to present their papers also in Algarve (University of Algarve or in AAA);
  3. The students must keep and present the receipts from the grant money expenses.
  4.  The students must sign a declaration form where they are obligated to return the money of the grant to AAA in case they would not be able to attend the conference.

Send an email to nap.ualg@gmail.com asking for the application form to apply!

quarta-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2015

JIA2016 Santander - IX Jornadas de Jovens em Investigação Arqueológica

As IX JIA (Jornadas de Jovens em Investigação Arqueológica) serão celebradas em Santander, Espanha. A primeira circular anunciando a abertura para submissão de sessões, mesas redondas e workshop já se encontra disponível. Para mais informações sobre o JIA e como participar, consultar aqui.

The IX JIA (Young Researchers in Archaeology Conference) will be celebrate in Santander, Spain. The first call announcing for submission of sessions, round tables and workshops is now available. Find further information about JIA and how to participate here.

Palestra BioArqueologia NEBUA e NAP

A palestra sobre Bioarqueologia pelo NAP a convite do NEBUA foi um sucesso! Aqui estão algumas fotos do evento. 

The conference about Bioarchaeology by NAP with NEBUA's invitation was a sucess! Here are some photos of the event.

quinta-feira, 29 de outubro de 2015

Conferência Arqueologia ao Sul: "Aves da Gruta da Figueira Brava (Arrábida, Portugal)"

O Núcleo de Alunos de Arqueologia e Paleoecologia da Universidade do Algarve convida a assistir à palestra Aves da Gruta da Figueira Brava (Arrábida, Portugal)por Mariana Nabais e Carlos Pimenta, a realizar-se no dia 6 de Novembro às 17h30 na sala 2.35, FCHS, Campus de Gambelas.

Contamos com a vossa presença!